in Cool Tools


ImageOptim is a cool tool by Kornel Lesiński for Mac OS X used to optimize images. Why would I want to do that you ask? It reduces the size of images so they take up less disk space. This means if you are working on a website, it will load a little faster for your users. If you are working on games, it can reduce the amount of data being sent to the GPU which can speed up the loading of textures [make sure you are using lossless compression of course].

ImageOptim is a front-end to several image optimizing tools including AdvPNG, OptiPNG, Pngcrush, JpegOptim, jpegtran, and Gifsicle. It works on PNG, JPG, and GIF images.

ImageOptim Example

ImageOptim Example

Photoshop is especially bad at creating small files when it saves them. It’s incredible the number of images on the web that can be optimized to save everyone time and money. Anyone running a website should consider using ImageOptim or a tool like it on their images.

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  1. Is there any way to optimize BMP files for rom logo files? Space is a premium in some old roms. Thanks.